Thursday, June 27, 2013

Build Log #31 - 3DPrintMi's printing spree

 My 3DPrintMi printing out a tree frog by MorenaP

 Tree Frog was printed at .127mm layer height.

Tree Frog 

Tree Frog 

Tree Frog 

Tree Frog 

Tree Frog 

Tree Frog comparison 

Tree Frog comparison

Layer Height = .1905mm




Twistlet closeup

Layer Height = .1905


Eckstruder closeup

Eckstruder surface

Been printing with the Sainsmart 1.75mm ABS black and it's really not that bad. I can't really tell the difference between the Makerbot's filament and the Sainsmart so this might be my new source for filament. However, the cardboard spool has been giving me a headache lately.  The cardboard is so thin that it tends to get caught between the bearing and the spool holder causing it to derail itself. This happened three times already, wasting 6 hours of print time and a chunk of good plastic.
After a few cuss words here and there, I thought up of a way to keep the spool rolling without being obstructed. Fired up the CAD and quickly drew out this attachment piece for the cardboard spool. The attachment is inserted on both sides of the spool, each with their own 608 bearing and a rod going through the middle. Prop it up and you got yourself a floating spool. I'll eventually design a truss to hold the rods up but this should do for now.

why sainsmart why!?
Dismounted spool

First failed print

Second failed print

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