Monday, May 19, 2014

Evolving the 3DPrintMi

I have a new 3DPrintMi in the works with the intention for easier construction, reduced printed parts and cheaper BOM (hopefully) but still retains the ability to adapt to the current RepRap Tech. As for the current design, I will now stop updating new parts for it and upload the final BOM here on my build blog. I have two BOMs available, one with vendors from the USA and the other will have vendors for international users.

Since my last post, I've been busy getting this 3D printing start-up up and running so I haven't had much time to update anything here. With new developments underway, I thought it was about time to finally load up my notes before I forget again.

The hackerspace I had my 3d printers at decided to shutdown recently and now they are all gathered up at my start-up. It's the first time I had all 4 sit together. I do have a 5th 3DprintMi but he's sitting at home right now.

All four 3DPrintMI sitting side by side. 5th one sitting at my place.

The Mk. I.  Same printer I used for my video assembly clip. This one is most quiet out of all my 3DPrintMis. It still sports the QU-BD MBE clone which works great with ABS, not so great with PLA.

The test build using the cheapest components available from different vendors. Most of the electronics came straight from the East, to be more specific, and Still haven't made the maiden voyage to print yet since I had issues with the anUBIS hotend (Ubis clone) but may switch it out for the Hexagon Hotend from RepRapDiscount.

A made this for someone but I later re-acquired it. Took me 3 days to print all the parts and was up and running soon after. It made a few awesome prints but I parted all the components for the new build.. 

The new prototype in the works! After getting into the Misumi's "Reddit150" deal, I was able to get my hands on some aluminum 2020. I really like it and came pre-cut. This will also be the flagship printer for my "Build a RepRap" class. I was able to import the X gantry and the Y plate to the new prototype. I am working on designing a fan mount for PLA prints and a new Z adjuster. No plans for auto-leveling since that's new craze right now but still experimental.

For those wondering what the start-up is all about, it's a 3D Printing studio in Waltham MA on historic Moody St.  It will be a go to area for people wanting to learn everything about 3D printing and I'm really excited about it. For more info, come check out the site

Before I forget, Here are the new BOMs

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